Sunday, July 13, 2014

Letter to Warren Buffett from my 6 year old son, Billy

Dear Mr. Buffett,

My mommy is writing this for me. I telling her what to write. I am six.  When I grow up I want to buy the railroads from you and then let the Amtrak train go before the cargo trains. I love trains more  than anyone in the world does, so that is what I am going to do.  Do you love trains?  I think you do. Why would you buy the railways if you don't love trains?   Last night our train was many hours late to Chicago.  Everyone was upset because they had to wait around by a fountain to find out what they were going to do.  We couldn't even eat, isn't that bad, we had to wait to find out when our bus was leaving.  We couldn't even  get on a bus right away, but they had to wait for another late train.  There were new babies and children hungry and crying.  A few people were so upset they got arrested. Can you believe how bad that was, Mr. Buffett?   I was scared what was going to happen to everyone. We were told to just wait by a fountain. I met a friend named John who helped us. It was still really bad even with someone to help us.  I didn't want to go on a bus.  Maybe it is time to change the rules of the railway so that passenger trains can be on time.  When I grow up I am going to buy your railway and make it better.  I think babies,kids,and animals and other people are more important  than money and freight and all of that stuff. Why can't the ships do more work?  It is really bad what happened last night, and I am really scared it will happen again even though I really want to keep taking trains.  I'm counting on you to make it better.



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