Sunday, October 19, 2014

Health tips: 16 cancerous foods to keep family away from

My brother passed away from cancer a few years ago.  I still think about him, he was one of the healthiest people I knew. His life was taken far too soon. Do the foods we eat affect cancer?  Many believe they do.

Here are a list of 16 of the most cancerous foods.

1.  microwave popcorn
This one doesn't surprise me as a woman in my book group whose son is going to medical school told her that popcorn bags are lined with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA.)  This is very dangerous chemical.

2.  non-organic fruits
Fruits that aren't organic are contaminated with dangerous pesticides such as atrazine, thiodicarb, and organophosphates, as well as high nitrogen fertilizers. Atrazine in banned in European countries, but still used here.

3.  Canned tomatoes
The lining of canned foods is almost always made with bisphenol-A or BPA.

4.  Processed Meats
Processed meats such as sausages, hot dogs, bacon and lunch meats such as bologna contain excessive salts and chemicals.

5.  Farmed Salmon
60% of salmon consumed in the USA is farm raised.  Farmed fish are fed unnatural diets and are contaminated with chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides, and other known carcinogens.

6.  Potato Chips

7.  Hydrogenated Oils
Hydrogenated Oils are vegetable oils.  Vegetable oils cannot be extracted naturally like butter is.

8.  Foods that are highly salted, pickled, smoked, or cured by nitrates.
-smoked meats or nuts
-bacon, sausage, bologna, and salami are high in salt.

9.  Highly processed white flours.
Mills now bleach flour with chlorine gas.

10.  GMO's
(genetically modified organisms)
Look for labels that state food is GMO free.

11.  Refined sugars.
In order to proliferate, cancer cells seem to prefer feeding on fructose rich sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS.)

12.  Artificial sweeteners.

13.  Diet anything.

14.  Alcohol.

15.  Red meat.

16.  Soda pop.

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