Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Potty Training Tips: How to Start

We suggest that you plan an upcoming "start" date for potty training.  This gives you a chance to create a potty training plan.  All participants get a chance to prepare for this developmental stage -- you are giving your toddler a chance to get psyched up!

Set up a week to start when you and any other caregivers can remind your toddler about going to the potty roughly every 1-2 hours during the day.  Before that start time, you can visit the potty periodically with your toddler to get ready, trying it out occasionally.

It may take some time for the first several sessions.  Be prepared to keep your toddler company.  Read to him or her -- have some books about the potty really close to the potty to read during these times of day.

Consider using a chart to mark your toddler's progress.  This isn't a new idea -- keeping track of progress by handing out star stickers is as old as adhesive star stickers.  But it works!  Kids just like getting stars.

Consider setting up a reward system, too.  For our son, we agreed that we would get him a present once he reached the ten star mark.  We had him pick out the present before starting out -- he picked a wooden pirate ship as his goal.  That was a pretty big step -- a few intensive days of potty training.   Other rewards might include a special event -- a beach day.  A trip to get ice cream.  A fun time in the backyard or a nearby park.  We suggest that it be someplace that the toddler can try out his or her new underwear for a day.

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