Thursday, October 18, 2012

Can you learn a second language from T.V.?

Today my son has a cough.  We went to Disney on Ice last night and didn't get home until 10:00PM.  He  got up this grumpy, lethargic, and  with a cough and didn't want to go to school.  I wondered, would it be more educational for him to watch cartoons this morning for a few hours in Spanish than English?  I think so!  I have some work today that I need to get done, and I'm exhausted as well!

As a teacher I've seen many children learn English from watching English cartoons, why can't the reversal be true.  Of course, my son also is in a Spanish immersion preschool a few days a week and that is where I was going to take him today.  A mommy friend from the class is the one who recommended having my son watch V-me kids (channel 9 public broadcasting for children.)  So, today, for the first time ever, I looked online to find out what channel V-me is.  My son is currently watching Plaza Sesamo (Sesame Street.)  After watching the Plaza Sesamo for about 20 minutes he actually begged me to turn it off, he said it wasn't for children.  When I watched it with him for a few minutes, I did notice it seemed very different from the English Sesame Street and they were talking really fast in Spanish.  I'll try another show another day.


V-me (pronounced veh-meh) is a network with programming that entertains and empowers latino families throughout the bay area.  This network started in October of 2007.  V-me is available throughout Northern California on KQED's  Comcast channels 191 and 621, and on digital channels over the air on KQED 9.4, KTEH 54.4 (San Jose) and KQET  25.4 Monterey.

To find the V-me kids shows, see schedule at

I noticed that Sesame Street (Plaza Sesamo) is  on each day at 9:30AM.

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